Educational Tours

If you are a travel agent and have never been to the Phlegraean Fields, just a few miles from Naples, jour our educational tour!

We are eager to welcome you.  We’ll introduce to places with two thousand years of history and very contemporary hospitality for you and your clients.

We invite you to be our guest for two days so you can have the experience of living in the Phlegraean Fields with well-connected local guides, visiting representative sites, and staying in our accommodations.  You’ll be able to see and touch the potential of this beautiful area as an exciting new tourist destination.

Stops on the Travel Agent Tour can include, underwater archaeology, natural baths, volcanoes, lakes, islands and the twenty sites included in the Archaeological Park of Campi Flegrei.  There is also art, sports, music, and food and wine bringing together ancient traditions and contemporary trends.  There is a full calendar of events and activities, year around.

Contact us for more information.  We’ll let you know the next tour dates and details.